
February 9, 2016


Five Quick Tips for Email Marketing to Lawyer

The internet has been a great medium for marketing your business. However, regardless you being an attorney, hair stylist or auto mechanic, various researches reveal that a wide number of consumers have been heading to the internet in order to search for information about various products and services prior to making a purchase. Find below five quick tips for lawyer email list marketing.

lawyer email list marketing

Polish your Professionalism

The format of your message, the grammar, the content and spelling has been critical in order to get your message read. You should use bullets and numbered lists along with keeping the number of bullets or numbered items to seven or less. You should always use your spell checker along with having someone proof read your message prior to sending it out. Spell check might not know the difference between to, two or too.

Polish your Professionalism

Be brief, to the point

Attorneys have been busy delivering their own services and goods as well as running their business. You should get the critical part of your message above the fold or at the top. You should tell them up front about how you would be solving their problems. You should make your contact information easy to find.

been busy delivering

Benefits to address their pain, fears and problems

Busy attorneys would be searching for people, services and products to cater benefits in helping them resolve their pain, fears and problems. They would only care about how your product or service would assist them. They do not care how long you have been in business or how great your product is. You should explain the benefits of your service and product.

Busy attorneys

Do it in writing

In case, you call an attorney, you might find that you cannot get past their secretary. You should get your message into their hand in a letter that should be hand-signed, through a professionally designed email or postcard. Text messaging has also been emerging as a marketing channel.

Do it in writing

Making your email Smartphone friendly

In the present times, Smartphone’s have been becoming increasing more powerful. As a result, they are being used in several ways by a plethora of people. You could bet that professionals have been using them as well. They would be checking email when they are running from one meeting to another or from client to the other. They would like to read their messages quickly. It would mean they do not want to waste your time or that of their own by trying to send fancy, loaded with graphics HTML emails. Chances are less that they would read them.

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